Mac /



# change mac os permissions to allow access where granted forever, instead of
# just for one month

SCA=~/Library/Group\ Containers/

defaults read "$SCA" | sed -nre 's/.*"(.*)" = ".*".*/\1/p' | \
  xargs -I {} defaults write "$SCA" "{}" "9999-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"

# Verify
defaults read "$SCA"

Manually modify the ScreenCaptureApprovals.plist file: For a DIY approach, you can use Terminal to change the permission dates yourself3. Here's how: a. Grant Full Disk Access to Terminal in System Settings > Privacy & Security. b. Use the following command to modify the date for a specific app:

defaults write ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ "/path/to/app" -date "3024-09-21 12:40:36 +0000"